Rhapsodies, spiritual musings, and practical advice on Island Living

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The beauty of shells

Every shell is an accomplishment of elegance, design, and pinache.

jamm @ oceanwood.wordpress.com

I love walking the beach and admiring the intricate little world of sea shells. These opalescent former homes for various animals invite me to be small again and full of wonder. Who lived in this little place? What sea creatures did it encounter as the tides rolled in and out? Every shell is an accomplishment of elegance, design, and pinache. I consider it my solemn job as a humble beach wanderer stop, admire and applaud every architectural masterpiece!

jamm @ oceanwoodch.wordpress.com

******* Oceanwood Chronicles credits and links *******

Photo credits: Photos by Jessica at Oceanwood.

Oceanwood Chronicles, copyright 2009 - Jessica at Oceanwood. Creative commons attribution, non-commercial sharing only (translation: feel free to quote me in context or use this entry but please always credit me for my work, thanks.) http://oceanwood.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I wish I could write songs like Valdy

Oh I wish I could write my songs,
a great big mountain
of my very own songs,
Oh I wish I could write songs like Valdy.

0827091701_2I attended a fabulous song writing workshop led by Valdy. Wow! What a great experience. Valdy created an atmosphere of trust and safety that made it easy to risk sharing my own work. And what a treat it was for me to have Valdy sing some of his own creations to our small private class. Even though I use my writing skills for prose and poetry, this song writing workshop expanded my skills and got me thinking about trying my hand at song writing. Below is a my playful first attempt at a song :0)

Many thanks to the folks at the Denman Island Arts, my lovely classmates, and of course Valdy for a lovely two days of inspiration and fun.

I wish I could write songs like Valdy
by Jessica at Oceanwood

What a monumentally huge
Grand Canyon of a chasm
divides the inside of me
from the outside of you.

Oh I wish I could sit down
and pick up my guitar
fool around
Oh, I wish I could write songs like Valdy.

I face my monumentally huge,
Great Mother of a chasm,
I walk over to my side
of that scary wide divide
and call out to the world:

“Hello out there....there... there?”
And I hear a welcome sound
come back to me through the air

“Yes over here, hi ... hi ...”
And I am thrilled by the reply
cause I've got this mountain of stuff
but sharing it kinda tough
If only I could write songs like Valdy.

I have a book and some songs
over here, inside of me
And I holler,
"How do I get this stuff
over to you .. you ... you?"

You say, “try a trebuchet.
A trebuchet? Eh? I say?
Do you mean a catapult?
Where do I get one of those?

You say, “build it, of course and
and start flinging your stuff over.”

I say, "Oh, ......................"
Can I get back to you ....you...you?
Oh, I wish I could write songs like Valdy.

So now I'm reading up on physics
and leverage and flinging
cuz I got a monumentally huge
Grand Canyon of a distance
dividing the inside of me
from the outside of you.

And all of this book
and back breakin’
They wouldn't be
If only, if only,
if only I could write my songs like Valdy

Oh I wish I could write my songs,
a great big mountain
of my very own songs,
Oh I wish I could write songs like Valdy.

Oceanwood Chronicles                                 credits and links             *******

Photo credits: Photos by Jessica at Oceanwood.

Oceanwood Chronicles, copyright 2009 - Jessica at Oceanwood. Creative commons attribution, non-commercial sharing only (translation: feel free to quote me in context or use this entry but please always credit me for my work, thanks.) http://oceanwood.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Composting crib for branches


I asked our friend and professional logger, Duncan Stewart, over to help us limb some dangerous branches and remove branches that had begun to obstruct our view.  I was so impressed by his conscientious methods and great care he took with each and every branch.

As soon as the work began, I realized I would soon have a branch problem: what should I do with all the branches and greenery on the ground. I did not like the idea of a pile for burning: one, because it was a big mess; and two, the pollution involved with burning slash. So out of necessity I created this thatched "crib" for naturally composting the branches.

Oceanwood Chronicles                                 credits and links             *******

Photo credits: Photos by Jessica at Oceanwood.

Oceanwood Chronicles, copyright 2009 - Jessica at Oceanwood. Creative commons attribution, non-commercial sharing only (translation: feel free to quote me in context or use this entry but please always credit me for my work, thanks.) http://oceanwood.blogspot.com/